Aaron Satyanarayana_Ad-Fish-Er-Time (StreamGroup)
Sexy title screen... Ain't it?... |
Day 1: April 24, 2013.
This game is still in its alpha stage, but its going REALLY well.
Ad-Fish-Er-Time is about the stuggles of a salmon spawn to its way to the ocean and back. I doubt I'll get that far... But still! The idea counts. Filled with badass cutscenes reflecting the awesome moments of the salmon's life, you go through the stages of a Salmon, as you further your journey closer to the ocean and adulthood.
You move around with the arrow keys, and are able to use your attack with the spacebar. As you change and evolve, your player's attack will become stronger, and your movement will be faster.
I've started on the first stage, the stream. This is the beginning of the game, in which the Alevin travels out of the stream on its way to the estuary. The Alevin is pretty weak and faces enemies like farmed salmons, and larger fish. The boss will probably be a farmed adult spawner with a clipped fin.
This battle reflects the dilution of ecology that natural and native salmon face. As hatcheries release their own cultivated salmon, there becomes a competition between the weaker natural salmon alevin and the stronger hatchery salmon.
I have lots to go before I get done, the five or more stages that reflect the problems and the different stages of life the salmon has. I may not finish, but I'm having a hella fun time doing this!
Just you wait till I have something else to share!!! -Aaron Satyanarayana, CEO, lead programer, engineer, coder, artist, and only non-paid or paid employee of Aaron's Sexy®© 1998-2012